Hello/Goodbye doormat black

material 100% Polyvinyl chloride, color design black with white print
durable, easy-to-wash non-slip mat for exterior
material is antibacterial and resistant to fungi

Product Code: 01VISUPHBYEXP2

  • 11,79 € ** 6,91 € WithoutTax
  • In Stock

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Dimensions [cm] 60 × 40 × 1 (š × h × v)
Weight 1 kg

The black Hello / Goodbye mat not only welcomes you when you arrive home, but also says goodbye to you before you go to work. The durable, easy-to-wash, high-quality non-slip mat in black with white print can be placed both indoors and outdoors. The mat is made of 100% Polyvinyl Chloride. The mat material is also antibacterial and mould resistant. You can easily get rid of dirt by rinsing it under water or with a little detergent.