Dimensions [cm] | 150 × 40 × 80 (š × h × v) |
Packed | KARTON: 1 ks (rozměry, š/v/d: 44 × 13 × 161 cm) |
Weight |
30 |
Material |
Surface |
Chests of drawers are increasingly becoming an important part of bedrooms, as they can hold small linens, blankets and bed linen, ensuring an important place in your wardrobe. The TORINO wax chest of drawers with 2 doors + 4 drawers does not take up as much space as a wardrobe, so it can replace it in smaller rooms. The chest of drawers can hold a really large amount of things and, thanks to the honey colour, it will look really good in the room. The wide chest of drawers has 4 drawers on its left side and a storage space on the right side with a door hiding one shelf. If you not only want to equip your bedroom with furniture with practical storage space, but also want to brighten up the space, choose low furniture, because you can easily display your favourite photos or other decorative items on the chest of drawers. The TORINO wax chest of drawers can be placed on its own or near other TORINO wax chests of drawers. You will enjoy your modern bedroom every day.
material solid pine waxed in a honey shade space divided in a ratio of 2:1:2 in both wider parts a clothes rail and shelves for hats, middle narrower part 3 variable shelves in the lower part, 2 large and 1 small drawer, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162819material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 partially glazed doors, decorative metal handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162512material solid pine waxed in a honey shade space divided in a ratio of 2:1 wider part clothes rail and shelves, narrower part 3 shelves in the lower part 1 large and 1 small drawer, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162818material solid pine waxed in a honey shade wardrobe with clothes rail and hat shelf large drawer at the bottom, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162820material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 small and 2 large drawers, metal decorative handles a suitable addition is accessory Corona 16463 part of the Corona assembly
Product Code: 16263material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 4 small drawers, 1 door, metal decorative handles can be supplemented with the Corona extension 16463 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 1631material solid pine waxed in honey shade 3 small drawers, 3 doors, 1 shelf, metal decorative handles a suitable accessory is Corona extension 16465 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 1639material solid pine waxed in a honey shade glass section, 3 shelves, 1 full door, 2 large drawers drawer depth 32 cm, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16254material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 shelves, 2 doors, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 164716material solid pine waxed in a honey shade seat height 46 cm part of the Corona set
Product Code: 160204material solid pine waxed in a honey shade part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16110material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 1 drawer, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 163910material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 small drawers, 1 shelf, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 161017material solid pine waxed in a honey shade part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16492material solid pine waxed in a honey shade price without frame and mattress recommended mattress size 90 × 200 cm and frame R1 this bed CANNOT be combined with slatted frame 7154 or 7861part of the Corona assembly
Product Code: 163622material solid pine waxed in a honey shade price without frame and mattress recommended mattress size 140 × 200 cm and grid R3 part of the Corona assembly
Product Code: 163624material solid pine waxed in a honey shade price without bed frame and mattress recommended mattress size 180 × 200 cm or 2 pieces 90 × 200 cm and bed frame R4part of the Corona set
Product Code: 163623material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 1 drawer, 1 door, drawer depth 30 cm, metal decorative handles hinges can be installed on the left and right side part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16345material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 5 small drawers, 1 door, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16334material solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal decorative handles and eyelets part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16451material solid pine waxed in a honey shade part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16111dining table CORONA 16111 and 4 dining chairs CORONA 160204 table and chair material solid pine, waxed in a honey shade, seat height 46 cm table size (w/ h/v): 152 × 92 × 76 cm, chair dimensions (w/d/h): 43 × 45 × 103 cm part of the Corona set
Product Code: 4432dining table CORONA 16110 and 4 dining chairs CORONA 160204 table and chair material solid pine, waxed in a honey shade, seat height 46 cm table size (w /h/v): 178 × 92 × 76 cm, chair dimensions (w/d/h): 43 × 45 × 103 cm part of the Corona set
Product Code: 4433dining table CORONA 16110 and 6 dining chairs CORONA 160204 table and chair material solid pine, waxed in a honey shade, seat height 46 cm table size (w /h/v): 178 × 92 × 76 cm, chair dimensions (w/d/h): 43 × 45 × 103 cm part of the Corona set
Product Code: 4434material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 4 large drawers, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162634material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 doors, 5 drawers, metal decorative handles can be supplemented with Corona extension 16465 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 1632material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 3 doors, 1 shelf, 7 drawers, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16313material solid pine waxed in a honey shade dimensions of the middle table (w/d/h) 52 × 37 × 47 cm dimensions of the smallest table (w/d/h) 38 × 32 × 40 cm part of the Corona assembly
Product Code: 161612material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 doors, 1 shelf, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 161024material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 3 drawers, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16347material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 4 small, 3 medium and 2 large drawers, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162633material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 5 drawers, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162632material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 1 drawer, metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 164719material solid pine waxed in honey shade wardrobe with clothes rail and hat shelf metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162830material solid pine waxed in a honey shade space divided in a 2:1 ratio wider part clothes rail and hat shelves, narrower part 3 shelves including 2 variable metal decorative handles part of the Corona assembly
Product Code: 162831material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 drawers, in the lower part of the shelf metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16413material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 glass doors, 1 shelf, metal decorative handles a suitable addition to the Corona chest of drawers 16263 or 1631 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16463material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 3 glass doors, 1 shelf, metal decorative handles a suitable addition to the Corona chest of drawers 1639 or 1632 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16465material solid pine waxed in a honey shade 2 smaller and 2 larger drawers, metal decorative handles part of the Corona 3 set
Product Code: 162635material solid pine waxed in honey shade metal handles in brass color 2 drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8099Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade, metal handles 2 smaller and 3 larger drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8091Vmaterial solid pine waxed in honey shade metal handles in brass color 2 drawers with metal runners, 2 solid doors, 1 shelf suitable accessory extension 8096V
Product Code: 8095Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in black color 1 door and 4 drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8078Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in brass color three shelves, two drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8071Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in brass color 4 drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8098Vmaterial solid pine waxed in honey shade metal handles in brass color 2 glass doors, 1 shelf extension sideboard 8095V
Product Code: 8096Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in brass color five drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8077Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade headboard height 80 cm, seat height 38 cm, price without frame and mattress minimum recommended mattress height 15 cm recommended mattress size 90 × 200 cm and grate R1 recommended load capacity up to 120 kg
Product Code: 8081Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade headboard height 80 cm, seat height 38 cm, price without frame and mattress minimum recommended mattress height 15 cm recommended mattress size 180 × 200 cm or 2 pieces 90 × 200 cm and a grid R4 recommended load capacity up to 120 kg on each half of the bed
Product Code: 8084Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade headboard height 70 cm, seat height 42 cm, price without frame and mattress minimum recommended mattress height 15 cm recommended mattress size 90 × 200 cm and grid R1 you can buy a pull-out extra bed for the sofa TORINO 8086V
Product Code: 8085Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade extendable on wheels, price without mattress maximum recommended mattress height 14 cm recommended mattress size 90 x 200 cm suitable as a pull-out extra bed for sofa TORINO 8085V
Product Code: 8086Vmaterial solid pine waxed in honey shade metal handles in black brass color 3 drawers with metal runners, 1 shelf
Product Code: 8090Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in black brass color wide drawer with metal runners
Product Code: 8092Vmaterial solid pine waxed in honey shade metal handles in blackened brass 3 doors, 3 drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8062Vmateriál masiv borovice, voskované provedení nástavec pro skříň 8860V nebo 8850V
Product Code: 8861Vmateriál masiv borovice, voskované provedení šatní skříň s šatní tyčí a policí na klobouky doporučený nástavec 8861V
Product Code: 8860Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu
Product Code: 11164Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu výška sedu 45 cm
Product Code: 1221Vmaterial solid pine waxed in honey shade cabinet extension 162820 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16951material solid pine waxed in honey shade extension for cabinet 162818 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16952material solid pine waxed in honey shade cabinet extension 162819 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16953material solid pine waxed in honey shade space divided in a 2:1 ratio Wider part with a wardrobe rod and shelf for hats, wide drawer at the bottom narrower part 3 shelves of which 2 are variable metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162848material solid pine waxed in honey shade space divided in halfwardrobe rod and hat shelf on the left in the right part on the left a wardrobe rod and hat shelf, on the right 3 shelves of which 2 are variable metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162849materiál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz šatní skříň vybavená šatní tyčí a policí ve spodní části zásuvka s kovovými pojezdy doporučený nástavec 8188V
Product Code: 8088Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz prostor dělený v poměru 2:1 širší část šatní tyč a police, užší část 3 police ve spodní části 2 zásuvky s kovovými pojezdy doporučený nástavec 8189V
Product Code: 8089Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz prostor dělený na poloviny v levé polovině šatní tyč a police na klobouky v pravé polovině 3 police ve spodní části 2 zásuvky s kovovými pojezdy doporučený nástavec 8168V
Product Code: 8068Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz prostor dělený v poměru 2:1:2 v levé a pravé širší části šatní tyč a police na klobouky ve střední úzké části 3 police ve spodní části 3 zásuvky s kovovými pojezdy doporučený nástavec 8169V
Product Code: 8069Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz nástavec pro skříň 8068V
Product Code: 8168Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz nástavec pro skříň 8069V
Product Code: 8169Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz nástavec pro skříň 8088V
Product Code: 8188Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz nástavec pro skříň 8089V
Product Code: 8189Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in brass color 2 drawers with metal runners, 1 shelf maximum recommended load of the top plate up to 50 kg
Product Code: 8094Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in black brass color two partially glazed doors, four shelves
Product Code: 8072Vmaterial solid pine waxed in a honey shade metal handles in black brass color 3 drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 8093Vjídelní stůl 11164V a 4 jídelní židle 1221V stůl i židle materiál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu výška sedu židle 45 cm rozměr stolu (š/h/v): 150 × 75 × 76 cm rozměr židle (š/h/v): 42 × 46 × 91 cm
Product Code: 4486jídelní stůl 11164V a 6 jídelních židlí 1221V stůl i židle materiál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu výška sedu židle 45 cm rozměr stolu (š/h/v): 150 × 75 × 76 cm rozměr židle (š/h/v): 42 × 46 × 91 cm
Product Code: 4487