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material solid pine, lacquered design 2 doors in the lower part, 2 drawers with metal runners two glass doors in the upper part
Product Code: 8926Nmaterial solid pine, lacquered design in the upper part 2 glass doors in the lower part 2 solid doors, 2 drawers with metal runners depth of the upper part 32 cm composition PAMINA sideboard and PAMINA extensions PAMINA, LOVI, ABACO, LIVIO, ALICANTE, VALENCIA, TOSCANA, SIENA
Product Code: 8058material solid pine waxed in honey shade cabinet extension 162819 part of the Corona set
Product Code: 16953material solid pine, colour oak antique lacquered with clear lacquer, moulded wooden structure 1 door, 1 shelf, 3 drawers part of the EL DORADO set
Product Code: 26831materiál masiv borovice, voskované provedení prostor rozdělený na 2 části, v užší části 1 dvířka a 2 variabilní police v širší části 2 dvířka s 1 variabilní policí, 2 zásuvky s kovovými pojezdy
Product Code: 8018Vmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz nástavec pro skříň 8069V
Product Code: 8169VKronberg oak color design the head of the bed serves as a bookcase, 3 large storage drawers, seat height approx. 51 cm price without slat and mattress, recommended mattress size 160 × 200 × 16 cm or 2 pieces 80 × 200 × 16 cm the self-supporting grid in the 160 × 200 cm frame (7866) must be used for the bed the self-supporting grid in the AMERIKA 7155 frame CANNOT be used for this bed maximum load capacity stated in the instructions for assembly
Product Code: 126228material solid pine, color design white lacquer folds out into a double bed 180 × 200 cm, seat height 38 cm price including slats but without mattresses recommended mattress size 90 × 200 cm (M2 , M5, M9, M12, M14, M24, M26)
Product Code: 8891Bmaterial solid pine waxed in white shade top edge solid pine waxed in honey shade cabinet extension 162819B part of the Corona white set
Product Code: 16953BMaterial solid pine, colour oak antique clear lacquered, moulded wooden structure four drawers part of the EL DORADO set
Product Code: 268262color design white divided into halves, in the left part a clothes rail and a shelf for hats in the right part 3 shelves and 2 wide drawers with metal runners maximum load capacity stated in the assembly instructions
Product Code: 454131Material solid pine, colour oak antique clear lacquered, moulded wooden structure six drawers part of the EL DORADO set
Product Code: 268261material solid pine, color design oak / white lacquer in the lower part 2 doors, 2 drawers with metal runners in the upper part two glass doors
Product Code: 8926VBmaterial solid pine, color design dark brown lacquer in the lower part 2 doors, 2 drawers with metal runners in the upper part two glass doors
Product Code: 8926Wmaterial solid pine, color design white lacquer in the upper part 2 glass doors in the lower part 2 full doors, 2 drawers with metal runners depth of the upper part 32 cm LOVI sideboard assembly and LOVI extension PAMINA, LOVI, ABACO, LIVIO, ALICANTE, VALENCIA, TOSCANA, SIENA
Product Code: 8058Bmaterial: solid pine, color design: brown lacquer space divided 1:2, mirror on the middle door 3 shelves in the narrower part on the left, clothes rail and shelves in the wider part on the right 2 drawers in the lower part with metal carriages
Product Code: 161285textilní potah, vícebarevné provedení výška sedu 40 cm polyuretanová matrace, úložný prostor
Product Code: P17color version white bed with pull-out storage space and bookcase with two sliding doors and several shelves mattress and slat are not included in the price, recommended mattress size 90 × 200 cm the bed is required use a self-supporting grid in a 90 × 200 cm frame (7154 or 7861) the bed is not suitable for children under 6 years of age
Product Code: 407011material solid pine, lacquered design in the lower part 3 doors, 3 drawers with metal runners in the upper part two glass doors
Product Code: 8925Nmaterial solid pine, lacquered design in the upper part 2 glass doors, 2 shelves in the lower part 3 solid doors, 3 drawers with metal runners depth of the upper part 32 cm composition of ABACO sideboard and ABACO extensions PAMINA, LOVI, ABACO, LIVIO, ALICANTE, VALENCIA, TOSCANA, SIENA
Product Code: 8059material solid pine, color design white lacquer four drawers with metal runners two clothes rails in the left part, 1 shelf in the middle part and 3 shelves in the right part recommended extension 8864B
Product Code: 8851Bmaterial solid pine, color design oak / white lacquer in the lower part 3 doors, 3 drawers with metal runners in the upper part two glass doors
Product Code: 8925VBmaterial solid pine, color design dark brown lacquer in the lower part 3 doors, 3 drawers with metal runners in the upper part two glass doors
Product Code: 8925Wmateriál masiv borovice, lakované provedení rošt je součástí dodávky doporučený rozměr matrace 180 × 200 cm nebo 2 kusy 90 × 200 cm vhodný doplněk úložný prostor 8893
Product Code: 8892materiál masiv borovice, voskované provedení rošt je součástí dodávky doporučený rozměr matrace 180 × 200 cm nebo 2 kusy 90 × 200 cm vhodný doplněk úložný prostor 8893V
Product Code: 8892Vmateriál masiv borovice, barevné provedení dub antik lakováno čirým lakem, vlis dřevěné struktury cena bez roštu a matrace doporučený rozměr matrace 90 × 200 cm a rošt R1 součást sestavy EL DORADO
Product Code: 268361materiál masiv borovice, barevné provedení dub antik lakováno čirým lakem, vlis dřevěné struktury 2 dvířka, 2 police, 3 zásuvky součást sestavy EL DORADO
Product Code: 26832material solid pine, color design white lacquer in the upper part 2 glass doors, 2 shelves in the lower part 3 solid doors, 3 drawers with metal runners depth of the upper part 32 cm composition of LIVIO sideboard and LIVIO extension PAMINA, LOVI, ABACO, LIVIO, ALICANTE, VALENCIA, TOSCANA, SIENA
Product Code: 8059Bmaterial solid pine, colour white lacquer metal handles space divided in a 2:1 ratio wider part with wardrobe rod and shelves, narrower part with 3 shelves 2 drawers with metal runners at the bottom recommended extension 8189BK
Product Code: 8089BKmateriál masiv borovice voskovaná v medovém odstínu kovové úchytky v barevném provedení černěná mosaz prostor dělený v poměru 2:1 širší část šatní tyč a police, užší část 3 police ve spodní části 2 zásuvky s kovovými pojezdy doporučený nástavec 8189V
Product Code: 8089Vcolor design white 3 sliding doors, 3 narrow mirrors with a thickness of 3 mm, plastic handles in the left part 4 shelves, shelf width 61 cm in the middle and right part 2 clothes rails, each in length 68 cm, wide hat shelf, shelf width 138 cm
Product Code: IN5002573material solid pine, color design brown lacquer space divided into halves, on both middle doors a mirror in the left part 3 shelves, in the right part a clothes rail and shelves in the lower part 2 drawers with metal rides
Product Code: 161287material solid pine waxed in honey shade space divided in a 2:1 ratio Wider part with a wardrobe rod and shelf for hats, wide drawer at the bottom narrower part 3 shelves of which 2 are variable metal decorative handles part of the Corona set
Product Code: 162848material solid pine, color design white lacquer four wide drawers with metal runners two clothes rails in the left part, 1 shelf in the middle part and 3 shelves in the right part recommended extension 8853B
Product Code: 8852Bmaterial solid pine, color finish brown lacquer space divided in a 2:1:2 ratio, on the middle door a mirror in the middle narrower part 3 shelves, in the left and right wider parts a clothes rail and shelves in the lower part, 3 drawers with metal runners
Product Code: 161288materiál masiv borovice, barevné provedení dub antik lakováno čirým lakem, vlis dřevěné struktury v horní části šatní tyč a police na klobouky v dolní části široká zásuvka součást sestavy EL DORADO
Product Code: 268281